Hier respekteer ons die kwalifikasies en kennis van ons kollegas in die toerisme en wildbewarings omgewing deur hulle 'n bekostigbare opsie te bied om, volgens SA wetgewing, te voldoen aan die nodige vereistes rakende vuurwapen lisensies en toegewyde statusse onder Artikel 16 van die Wet.
Bosveld Jagters erken hierdie beroep se opleiding en hierdie lede kan hul Toegewyde Jagter- en of Sportskietstatus bekom deur "Erkenning van vorige Opleiding" proses te volg sonder om die kursusse voluit mee te maak.
Hierdie vergunning is slegs vir aangestelde Natuurbewaarders.
Natuurbewaarders moet nadat hullehierdie Lidmaatskap gekies het die volgende dokumente in leesbare duidelike formaat op hul LID REKORD laai:
'n Afskrif van 'n geldige Aanstellingssertifikaat of dokument vanaf die Departement waaronder hy/sy aangestel of werksaam is, onder UPLOAD DOC's..
Hierdie dokument moet opdateer word voordat dit verval om opskorting van hierdie vergunnings lidmaarskap te verhoed.
Here we respect the qualifications and knowledge of our colleagues in the tourism and wildlife conservation area by offering them an affordable option to, according to SA law, meet the necessary requirements regarding firearm licenses and dedicated statuses.
Bosveld Hunters recognize the training of this profession, and these members can obtain their Dedicated Hunter and/or Sports Shooting status by following the 'Recognition of Prior Learning' process without having to complete the courses.
This membership option is for registered Field/Tour Guides only.
This Member Type expires on the expiration date of the valid license or permit, unless the renewal is submitted in time to have the membership renewed for the next term.
Field/Tour Guides and Conservationists must, after selecting Affiliate Membership, upload the following documents in legible clear format to their MEMBER RECORD:
a copy of a valid Appointment Certificate or Document from the Department where appointed, under UPLOAD DOCs.
This document must be updated before it expires to prevent suspension of this category membership.
Sluit aan as Natuurbewaarder Affilliaat lid / Join as Nature Conservationist Affiliate Member
NB: Kies die AANLYN TAK vir hierdie Lid Tipe / NB: Choose AANLYN (ONLINE) BRANCH for this Member Type