Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringvereniging
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Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging
Intertak Skietdae / Inter Branch Competitions

Daar word normaalweg twee Intertakskietdae per jaar gehou.

Tydens die tweede Intertak skietdag (gewoonlik vroeg in September) ding die verskillende takke teen mekaar mee om die gesogte Takkompetisie trofee.

Die Intertakskietdae kan verskillende vorms aanneem, maar deesdae is die neiging om die kompetisie min of meer in lyn te bring met die skietoefeninge wat tydens die Intervereniging skietdag deurgeskiet word.

Dit beteken dat daar na gonge en lewensgrootte diereteikens op verskillende (onbekende) afstande geskiet word en uit 'n groot verskeidenheid posisies, wat so na as moontlik aan natuurlike jagtoestande gehou word.

Spanne ding in takverband mee en die kompetisie word telkens deur 'n ander tak van BJV aangebied.

There are usually two Interbranch Shooting Days a year.

During the second Interbranch shooting day (usually in early September) the different branches compete against each other for the coveted Branch Competition trophy.

The Inter-branch shooting days can take different forms, but these days the tendency is to more or less align the competition with the shooting exercises that are shot through during the Inter-association shooting day.

This means shooting at gongs and life-size animal targets at different (unknown) distances and from a wide variety of positions, kept as close as possible to natural hunting conditions.

Teams compete in a branch and the competition is presented each time by a different branch of BJV.



Uitvoerend/Hoofkantoor : Uitvoerende Skietaktiwiteits Hoof

Mnr Johan Kapp
Bosveld Jagters Posbus 1771, Polokwane,0700 Tel nr: 015 2913820 Fax: 0862675365
Bosveld Jagters Posbus 1771, Polokwane,0700 Tel nr: 015 2913820 Fax: 0862675365